
Inside the Universal Workforce Model

Preview from the upcoming 2022 e-book, The Universal Workforce Model: An Outcome-First Guide to Getting Work Done

More than ever, business growth and success depend on the ability to align resources with outcomes. And when it comes to workforce alignment, all issues are on the table: from remote work, to in-demand skills, rebuilding teams and evolving the organization. So, ask yourself, “What is the most efficient and effective way to get work done?”

Learn how the Universal Workforce Model is helping companies answer that question by putting the outcome first. Break down jobs into their tasks, draw from all resource options to accomplish those tasks and bring it all together with an intelligent business platform.

When you start with the outcome, everything changes. This strategy brief will show you how.

Download today and we will send you a copy of the new e-book as soon as it’s published.

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Download Your Free Preview

Preview from the upcoming 2022 e-book, The Universal Workforce Model: An Outcome-First Guide to Getting Work Done

More than ever, business growth and success depend on the ability to align resources with outcomes. And when it comes to workforce alignment, all issues are on the table: from remote work, to in-demand skills, rebuilding teams and evolving the organization. So, ask yourself, “What is the most efficient and effective way to get work done?”

Learn how the Universal Workforce Model is helping companies answer that question by putting the outcome first. Break down jobs into their tasks, draw from all resource options to accomplish those tasks and bring it all together with an intelligent business platform.

When you start with the outcome, everything changes. This strategy brief will show you how.

Download today and we will send you a copy of the new e-book as soon as it’s published.

A Candid Look at the Issues Stakeholders Face Today

A better approach to work answers the long-standing questions that challenge decision-makers of all backgrounds, including:

  • The Business Leader: How do I identify where resources should come from?

  • The CHRO: How can I boost the positive impact of our workforce?

  • The CPO: How can I navigate the extended workforce paradox?

  • The CEO: Can we just get work done, please?

Real questions, real solutions and a path to transformation. Learn more, today.